SpaceFi: on the eve of IDO

Kononenko Stas
2 min readMay 11, 2022

Very soon team will have their first products ready for us:

DEX Exchange, Farm pools, Planet NFTs, Starter(IDO for promissing projects) and Spacebase (on-chain community)

On the official website says: Space Swap is launched on Evmos mainnet, with airdrop and whitelists for early liquidity providers.

It means team will reward community for participating in the life of Subspace project. This is why i writing this blogpost. You still have chance of getting a whitelist and discount IDO price. (read about it further)

SpaceFi is a #Web3 crosschain platform and Spacer users can participate in several ways. #Farming in #DeFi, creating #NFTs, investing in Starter, creating #Spacebase, and voting in #DAO. As well as many other different experiments.

The $SPACE token will be permanently burned when interacting with the platform. The project encourages you to burn NFTs or Tokens yourself to get even higher rewards! Create a space base with your STAR token, invite your friends, participate in community management…

Few days ago team shared their vision for products and tokenomics. In two words..

There’ll be an initial supply of only 120 million STARs at genesis with IDO price: $0.03/$STAR (private, WL), $0.05/$STAR (public). Pretty fair price we must say.

If you want more detailed information about May 17th IDO please check this page

Maybe you also heard about Spacefi Eco Airdrop for $EVMOS stakers/holders, bridges users? Check twitter post

This proves the importance of project for the Evmos and Celo ecosystem.

I already participating in celo and evmos testnet on SpaceFi platform and i happy how everything works. Start using platform today and send your feedback on discord channel too!

Chainlist — Add Evmos testnet and Celo testnet here

Faucets: celo, evmos

Testcoins adress Scelo 0x3207334DE412F22dfa38151B4878079b181aFAAD Tevmos 0x0b67B0A0Ed150B9F06e0ee90D2f1d3c4b3016D5D

Official links: website, twitter, medium, discord

